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August 17, 2021

John Berkos Clinics

Dedicated to the art of dressage, Fran has trained countless horses and riders to compete at all levels. She has a unique ability to work with horses of all breeds and temperaments. As a USEF "S" Dressage Judge, Fran travels North America judging approximately 30 shows per year, as well as hosting two Summer shows and numerous clinics at the farm.
April 13, 2021

Karli Postel Clinics

Dedicated to the art of dressage, Fran has trained countless horses and riders to compete at all levels. She has a unique ability to work with horses of all breeds and temperaments. As a USEF "S" Dressage Judge, Fran travels North America judging approximately 30 shows per year, as well as hosting two Summer shows and numerous clinics at the farm.
January 25, 2020

Fran Dearing-Kehr Clinic

Dedicated to the art of dressage, Fran has trained countless horses and riders to compete at all levels. She has a unique ability to work with horses of all breeds and temperaments. As a USEF "S" Dressage Judge, Fran travels North America judging approximately 30 shows per year, as well as hosting two Summer shows and numerous clinics at the farm.
October 29, 2019

John French Clinic

John French has piloted countless horses to stardom in the hunter ring on both the East and West Coasts. Truly one of the sport’s most natural talents, French has achieved high performance success in both the hunter and jumper disciplines. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with one of our countries top hunter riders and trainers.